
I am too dependent, can I be more independent?

Happy anniversary!

Time flies, today is our 1st wedding anniversary..

Wish us have a blissful marriage! Hahaha, love you!



三十了, 就应该要有三十的样子


Result is positive , mixed feeling

Bad Luck


Feel unhappy and cheated after sending so many SMS yet dun get the invite..

Feel sad after I lost my items, there were my favorites, I dunno who to blame!

Feel cheated after I paid so much for the shipping and delivery fee..

Feel humiliated after being insulted just because I am not local..



Your words turn me off, and I am getting tired to cheer you up, love.

Your words make me demoralize, love


I have already expected it will turn out in this way, disappointed..

If you can't deliver what you have said/promised, do not share it with me..

I am disappointed and upset with you..

I am losing faith in what you..

Sleep disorder

Sleep makes me stress, cause lately I hv problem falling asleep and even I fall asleep, I still couldn't sleep well..

I wish to sleep sound..

Is alcohol the main culprit?




I am bored

Bored bored bored

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I am angry and disappointed

Lasik Surgery

I am going for Epi-Lasik tomorrow.

I am afraid cause of getting infection cause of my carelessness.

I am afraid of my eyesight will not be able to corrected to perfect eyesight.

I am afraid of getting cornea haze or cornea scar cause of external factors.

I am afraid of many other issues..

However I have decided to go for Epi-Lasik cause I don't feel like wearing contact lens to do sport.

I wish I do not need to worry of getting affected when I do sea-sport.

I wish I do not need to worry of I can't see clearly with my contact lens and goggle while I am swimming.

I wish I can see clearly when I drive at night.

I wish I can see clearly when I open my eyes.

I wish I don't have to worry about getting eye infection after wearing too much of contact lens.

I wish I don't have to worry of my contact lens expiry date.

Therefore, I have decided to go for Epi-Lasik but why Epi-Lasik instead of other technologies available in the market?

I am not a good candidate of receiving normal lasik due to the thickness of my cornea.

Due to my "pathetic" thickness of my cornea, I am not able to receive any SBK lasik technologies available in the market.

Finally I managed to found a solution - Epi-Lasik.

Epi-Lasik is suitable for patient with thin cornea and patient who do active sports. So I decided to give it a try.

I am managed to pass the evaluation tests and I will be going for Lasik tomorrow morning.

Wish me all the best!


Today our mission is run from Yishun to Admiralty Park, the whole journey is about 14KM.

Although I couldn't complete the whole journey (we started walking after 11KM) but I feel happy cause at least this is my first attempt of running more than 10KM.

I should resume my training after my lasik surgery.

I wish my stamina will not drop after resting a week.

After trying the facial toner and essence for 7 days, my skin become smoother..

Really can feel the different of using the essence..

However, after stopping the toner and essence for 1-2 nights, my skin not as smooth as past few days.

I am now thinking should I buy the moisturizer cause my current moisturizer make my skin very oily...

I should think properly cause SK-II product is not cheap!

I just bought my 1st set of SK-II : pitera essence set.. Excited

After applying the toner and pitera essence , Mr. Koh commented my skin looks brighter.. A good sign!

But toner and essence must use together, which means if I want to continue to use pitera essence, I must buy the toner!!

Anyway, if my skin can look brighter, I won't mind investing my $$

Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good, enjoy it because it won't last forever. And if things are going bad, don't worry. It can't last forever either.

Have a good week ahead..


If marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life, I would rather stay single for the rest of my life.

I hate weekends!

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Am I making a right decision?

I have doubt with my decision.

To hang on or give up?

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No one ever gets tired of loving. But everyone gets tired of waiting, assuming, hearing lies and hurting.

Patient:" I used to be a heavy drinker, like 1 to 2 full bottles of vodka a day. But I want to be healthy, I don't do that anymore."

Doc:" how much vodka do u drink now?"

Patient:" maybe a quarter per day."

Ironic facts

When you are single, all you see are happy couples.
When you are taken, all you see are happy singles.
We are so greedy and contradicting..

Love yourself

The more you care, the more u have to lose, so lead your own life.

So learn to love yourself, cause you are beautiful.

It is amazing how one little conversation can change a person mood..

If you don't like something change it,
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it, and I am still trying to change my thinking..

A stupid person ruins my morning and my mood...
I am disappointed..

Life is short

Sooner or later, we all have to let it go
So no more hate, no more anger, no more regrets
So just do the things you wish to do

Life is short, I love you.,

Success is like getting pregnant, everyone send their wishes to you, but no one knows how many times you get f**k 


So true yet so sad.. 

*Extracted from CF's plurk 

I have thrown awaybags that are brand new, clothes that I never worn, shoes/heels that I only wore once/twice.

I deposited my clothes and bags into the recycle bin and left other stuffs in trash disposal area.

I feel really bad with my act, but I can't afford to keep them cause our house don't have extra room for them.

So who to blame? Me...

I wasted my money, feel really bad..

Next time I must ask myself the above question...

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Do you know how it feels to be ignored by someone? It feels hurt.

Do you know how it feels when you never called? It makes me upset.

I need your accompany..

I know I have to be a sweet angel, sorry I'm trying now, I need more time...

Do you know how it feels to be ignored by someone? It feels hurt.

Do you know how it feels when you never called? It makes me upset.

I need your accompany..

I know I have to be a sweet angel, sorry I'm trying now, I need more time...

Right or wrong

It is important to find a right partner or to be a right partner??

It is never too late to be what you want to be

just I'm lazy...


If you want to wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.
If you want to wait for perfect one to show up, you will never get anyone...
If you want to wait for perfect job offers, you will never get any..

A book cover

Just because I'm happy doesn't mean I have to smile,
and just because I smile doesn't mean I'm happy,
and just because I keep quiet doesn't mean I am angry...
So do not judge the book by it's cover

A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear..


I know everything happens for a reason, but sometimes I wish I knew what that reason was.

So I will stop asking why..

Kiss me!

Happiness is like a kiss.
You must share it to enjoy it.,

So kiss me..

Happiness is like a kiss.
You must share it to enjoy it.,

So kiss me..

Happiness is like a kiss.
You must share it to enjoy it.,

So kiss me..

I miss..

I miss being a kid
I miss being so carefree

To Mr. Koh

A happy man marries the girl he loves,
A happier man loves the girl he marries.

So are you a happy man or happier man??

what a waste!

Sick for dunno what reason.. Vomit, diarrhea and fever

luckily I only start to throw after I left the club, else it is so disgraceful.

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22 months - 638 days - 15312 hours, cool...

I wish I can be a better woman for you.
I wish you can be a better man to me..
I wish we can laugh together everyday..
I wish to share my lame jokes with you everyday...
I wish to keep my pain, sadness to myself and show you my laughter only..
I wish to share your burden with you..
I wish you can tell me your problem..
I wish I can help you to achieve your goals...
I wish I can bring happiness and love to you...
I wish with me around, you don't have to worry everything..
I wish you will love me forever..
I wish we can still walk side to side and hold each other hand when we r old..
I wish you can tell me you love me everyday..
I wish you can give me a hug and good night kiss every night..
I wish....

I know you are my closest person in this world. So I can't afford to lose you..

Will you read and remember everything I write??

It is ok if you can't do it..
Just give me a hug everyday to warm my heart..
Just give me a kiss everyday to tell me you love me.

Love you...

I had a birthday party @ Mono on 19th December. All of us had a great night!

happy birthday to me

Today is my 29th birthday. As per request, Mr. Koh cooked porridge for me.

note: Mr. Koh, if u r reading this, I would like to complaint something. You haven say 'happy birthday' to me.

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I'm hving my makeover at Isetan Scotts.. I'm trying the smoky eyes n makeup facelift, cant wait to see the effect..

So happy to receive such a lovely handbag!! Thanks my dear sister, brother-in-law, my 2 cute & handsome brothers and 3 others sweet and nice friends..

Am I very bad to ask for such an expensive gift??? Tonight is my birthday, so just enjoy it!

I am celebrating my birthday tonight @ Mono KTV pub with my dearest Mr Koh, my family members and a group of friends.

Tonight is the night! Cant wait to go~

Last 2x birthday, after today I am saying hello to my 3x le.. *cry*

Lets party the whole night!


Is food poisoning or stomach flu?

I only know I had a terrible morning.

My stomach is really upset now, I just wish the pain can go away so I can take a rest.


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♥ ♥

Mr. Koh gave me a surprise to make up he cant celebrate with me on 13-Feb.

Thanks Mr.Koh for the lovely surprise! I ♥ it..

2nd month clear!

Today is 12.02.2011, 2 months already..

this year we need to give ang bao to our siblings and relatives/ friends. The feeling kind of weird. I dont even know when is the right timing to give them.

I find it very awkward to give ang bao to those tat are older than me.

Anyway, CNY is almost over.

Today we r out to celebrate our anniversary ^^

happy always

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Im moving to Mr. Koh's house in 2-3 weeks time, and sister also moving in to her new house together with my 2 brothers.

I am worried I might not be able to get along with his family members, cause I hv bad temper.

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Although today is the 6th day of CNY, but most of the ppl already return to their home or back to work.

Everything hv changed even the weather also changed.

I wonder how many ppl will celebrate CNY in another 10 more years.

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Joke of the day:

conversation btw me n my auntie:
my auntie :"are u pregnant?"
me :"no, why?"
my auntie: "I tot u r suffering from morning sickness cause u lost weight." (she didn't see me more than 2-3 years)
me :"if pregnant can lose weight, I dun mind ah... "

sooltap speechless o_O

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home sweet home

Yes, sooltap and I are going back to Ipoh tonight. The previous trip is to prepare our customary, and now we are going back as husband n wife.

But I'm still single (officially) cause I hvnt register my marriage in Malaysia. Lolx

Bus is leaving Golden Mile soon...

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Chinese New Year Eve (1)

I miss home, hv the feeling of being left behind.

tml i will be gg home.

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up up up

What is going up? Property? Salary? Cup size (seriously I dun mind my cup size is going up).

So, what is exactly gg up? Answer is my weight.

I hving put on 2kg after my marriage. 2kg in 1 mth, I'm totally lost control of my diet. I snack v often n I refuse to move my butt.

My bro just told me I look plump standing next to my sister. Sad

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Downloaded this tool from market, it is a quick and fast way for bloggers to access their blog. I realized some tools are really useful and some are not. So how do we choose the right one? Is there any guides ?

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I am not auntie

Dont really have the mood to update my blog, why?

I guess LAZY is the best answer i can came out..

I have somehow lost interests in few areas like diet, exercise, facial and many more..

Married doesnt mean I can retire and become a "yellow face auntie"..

Should keep it up, lets work hard babe.


Happy New Year 2011 to everyone!

Happy 17th month anniversary!

What is my new year resolution? Thinking... 

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About Me ♥

A normal girl who loves to surround by laughter


Upcoming Events

  • Phuket Trip - 18 Jul 2011 to 23 Jul 2011
  • Adidas Sundown Marathon - 28 May 2011
  • 100 Plus Passion Run - 21 May 2011
  • 2XU Compression Run - 10 April 2011

Wedding Vendors

  • Accessories - Keep Gallery
  • Cars - Chans
  • Hotel (SG) - Quincy
  • Vest - TopMan
  • Shoe - Vincci
  • Make Up Artist (Ipoh) - Penny
  • Make Up Artist (SG) - Lynette Pang
  • Hand Bouquet - Jusco, eBay
  • Wedding Bubble Tubes - eBay
  • Photographer - KL (SG)
  • Photographer & Videographer - 倩影 (Ipoh)
  • Card Vendor - Morty (Ipoh)
  • Bridal Studio - Keep Gallery (Ipoh)
  • Bridal Studio - Ido Ido (Bali)
  • Dinner Reception - 乐园酒家 (Ipoh)
  • Dinner Reception - Viet Lang @ The Arts House
  • Wedding Bands - Love & Co
  • Planner - Dream Wedding

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