Last day of 2010

Today is the last day of 2010, there are a lot of things happened in this year!

I have just realized nothing much had happen to me this week, except I have graduated from university and I have just married.

Simplicity is also a kind of happiness.. =)

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

To celebrate it, I bought myself a pair of Mango Jeans, 3 pairs of T-shirt!

I really like the feeling~

What is my plan on Christmas eve?
Answer is: we are going Sunset Grill @ Seletar airbase to try out the famous buffalo wings!

I really want to try out how spicy it is!

Usually they don't accept any reservation after 7pm, but today is Christmas Eve, although our reservation is 830pm, so they accepted our reservation! Lucky!

Reach there around 830pm, that place is so difficult to locate, is too remote.

We ordered half dozen of Level 5 buffalo wings, mini burger, BBQ combo and Grill Dory.

The level 5 buffalo wings are no kick to 5 of us! so after our main course, we decided to order half dozen of Level 10.

The level 10 is really something! It is spicy and hot! I  think I had 2 of level 10!!

Anyway, I want to try level 30!!!



Doesn't feel like Christmas is coming...

I miss the fun I used to have..

Spent 3 days 2 nights with Mr Koh @ GPT. It is a very relaxing trip.

Day 1
The room is very nice! I like the four-poster bed (although I always knock on it).

We have the whole view of Straits of Malacca, nice view..

Day 2
Manage to catch the sunrise! It is so nice & impressive..

Eat, Sleep, Exercise and Slack..We really enjoy our life...

In the evening, Mr Koh brought me to try out something NEW - fly kite.

This is my first time! I am so happy and excited!

He can't believe a "Kampung" girl never flied a kite before.. Hahaha..

Day 3
We ran to smiley beach, saw Jelly fish and horseshoe crab.

Someone is having their marriage solemnization in GPT.. so romantic...

Their service is good but not excellent, still have room to improve...


I am feeling lost now.. not only I have this feeling, even Mr. Koh also has the same feeling.

Past few days we always in rush, suddenly we are very free now.

Really don't used to it.

I AM Mrs. Koh ♥

From now on, I am Mrs. Koh.

Haha.. The JP is cute, although he has a very serious face and tone.

I was worried when he noticed I keep on smiling and he will scold me, luckily he didn't.

He signed on our vows and asked us to laminate it. I will laminate the ROM certificate and our vows.

The feeling is so so so different now, like what Mr. Koh said, there is no turning back now.

Yes, I am married to him and I am Mrs. Koh. =)

It is 630pm now, the solemnization is going to start soon.

After the solemnization, I am no longer Miss anymore. I am auntie, cause I am married!

We are so nervous now..

The feeling is so different from the previous march in we had done in Malaysia.

May be we put in a lot of effort, and we know all the guests!

Anyway, it is time to march in...

Tea Ceremony is over! It is just a very simple process..

Mr Koh and I just have to serve tea to his parents.

We are now waiting for the driver to be here, he will come and pick up at 1pm.

For the time being,  the photographer is "enjoying" our wedding albums and I am updating my blog!

By the time we reach hotel, I don't think I have enough of time to do mask, and apply ampule.

I want to look pretty today!!

Should I apply mask now?? wahahaha...

Having coffee now, after that will have tea ceremony at Mr Koh's place.

I haven't pack my bag, will I be late?

I am always a fan of dinosaurs, so Mr Koh brought me to Indoor Stadium to catch the show.

I am stunned with the technology, but the stage is too small, so dinosaurs have not much space to move. They can only move forward, backward, or make a small turn. They can't do chasing, fighting or running due to the space constraint.

I was hoping when the show ends the organizer will arrange all dinosaurs to line up and thanks the audience, but sad, the organizer didn't have such arrangement.

Anyway, I prefer documentary than "LIVE" show.

Today is my brother in law's birthday, so wish him all the best!

Our appointment date for VD/SD is scheduled on 7-Dec-2010, it crashes with our customary, so I have scheduled the appointment to 9-Dec-2010.

The CS told me to reach the Registry of Marriages by 2pm to avoid disappointment (high volume of application), To avoid disappointment and making of 2nd trip on Friday + being very "kiasu", so I persuaded Mr Koh to reach the ROM by 115pm.

Surprisingly, the place is not as crowded as I thought, and the place is very small, can't really hold many people.

There are 2 sections in ROM - office and solemnization.

We waited less than 5 minutes after getting the queue number. When it is my turn to read out the "vows", I can't even pronounce it properly.

Mr Koh told me there is no turning back now, unless I want to be a runaway bride on Sunday.

So stop thinking of bullshits, and enjoy the current moment.


I am exhausted when I reach the bridal studio. Shelby said I looked sick. Not enough of sleep and always in rush are the main culprit. 

Almost fall asleep when Penny doing 2nd make up for me, I wish I can take a sip of hot coffee, but most of the stores already closed, so I have to tolerate..

By the time I finish my make up at 730pm,  it is time for me to proceed to the restaurant.

We reached the restaurant around 8pm, apparently the restaurant already reserved a parking lot for us, so we do not have any issues in looking for parking lot. The bridal car just stopped in front of the restaurant.

Most of the guests have reached, so it is time to march in. I almost fell down when I climb the staircases and marching in, cause I step my gown accidentally. Mr Koh and I are lost cause no instruction is given. 

Anyway, we just stopped at the VIP table. 

The servants serves the foods once we sit down. Dinner starts at 810pm, consider pretty early! =x

The 2nd highlight of the night is the champagne pouring & toasting. They have prepared 2 bottles of champagne for us. Mr Koh has no problem in opening it, but I cant open it without Mr Koh's help.

The toasting is fun also, we invited 20-30% of guests to stage to join us for toasting. I think my guests are really happy & excited, they couldn't hold their glass properly, end up my gown is stained with their champagne. The "Yum Seng" is really really fun! Thanks to my future brother in law and Mr Koh's brothers, I have a very long winded "Yum Seng". 

The dinner ends at 10pm. My parents, Mr Koh and I lined up to thank our guests from coming.. 

Seriously, this dinner doesn't seem like our wedding dinner, it is like we are attending my sister's wedding. My sister and Yee are pretty active tonight, even my relatives have the same feeling.  

Anyway, today ended very fast! 

I am married but I don't have much feeling =x 

Today is my BIG day, I am having my tea ceremony (for my parents side) and dinner bouquet today!!

Wake up very early in the morning to accompany my mother to market to collect lotus (must have a lot of babies one - it means 儿孙满堂) and some cakes for guests, groom and his "brothers" to eat (before gate crashing).

I also bought some accessories (wig + hair clip, pacifier, paper) for the gate crashing.

We reach home around 830am, OMG.. The photographer, videographer and make up artist will reach at 9am, and I haven't bathe yet. I think I better inform the videographer and photographer to come at 930am.

When I just finish cleaning up myself, the make up artist is here. 10 minutes later, videographer and photographer are here also. They took few photos of us, and took some photos of the "Jie-Mei"s.. the "Jie-Mei"s are preparing the games.. everyone is busy, busy, busy!!

When I almost done with my make up, my mother asked me to go down to have lunch together with my parents and all my siblings, it means 一家人一起吃饭,报答父母.. I have to feed my parents and my sister, and my brothers have to feed me.. I didn't know Chinese have this tradition..

It is almost 11am, so now is time to change and do my hair! They are coming soon..

By the time the make up artist finished her work, they have reached! I can feel my heart beat has increased!

Everyone is so excited, JM are all busy preparing and discussing how to "pressurize" the groom... My parents and aunties are all busy preparing to pray, and prepare the tea ceremony!

After 30 minutes of "waiting" time ( I wait lonely in the room), they finally start to do the gate crashing.  I am hiding at a corner eavesdrop their conversation, it is so funny! Haha.. I really want to get involve, but I can't.. Cause this is my wedding!

I am bored, so I read comic books in my room! The comic books help me to relief the stress.. I find it very very funny, a bride hide in her room to read comic books! hahaha...

Finally they reach the door step of the room, they knocked the door. Should I open the door? What if I refuse to open the door?? After few seconds, I decided to open the door..

Happy to see him, cause he made it!

After exchanging the rings, we all went down to get ready for the tea ceremony!

I didn't know I have so many relatives! The whole tea ceremony took us about 30 minutes to complete! Happy and bless to see some distance relatives put in their efforts to attend the tea ceremony!

The tea ceremony ended at 1.45am,  bride, groom,  my bridesmaid, his best man and all the JMs and XDs return to his house.

Spent around 20 minutes there to do some praying, and took few shots.. After that, we just went back to  my place to have lunch. Everyone is hungry!

In total, we took almost 3 hours to complete gate crashing and tea ceremony, and 3 hours only for my side.. not included his side of relatives...  Tiring process..

By the time we finish our lunch and return to his place, it is almost 4pm. We need to reach the bridal studio by 530pm... OMG!!

It is already 430pm, and I just finish removing my make up..  Not enough of time, I need more time!!

I am exhausted!!

MUA is doing make up for me now~

Time to get excited! Lots of things are not yet ready..

Dont worry so much, everything will go smoothly..

The buffet reception for tonight is very successful!

Total number of turn out more than 300 pax, and some of them are still singing NOW!

Tomorrow is my BIG day!

Happy & Excited~

I am very tired.. and Mr Koh is exhausted also..

Too many things to settle within a day..

Just had some conflicts with my mother..

When you are tired, you lost control of your temper and emotion..


Both of them are important person of my life, I love them..

Happy Birthday to My Mummy and Pei Yu!

Mummy, without you I will not be able to achieve what I have now..
Pei Yu, thanks for being there for me! You are always my best friend.

I am getting married..

Finally I can feel the excitement of getting married..

I am a bride to be, can't believe it!

I like the feeling of wearing wedding gown, it makes me like a princess..

I am so happy now..

Today is my f.m.i.l's birthday, wish her all the best!

2 more days to go!

Another 2 more days to go, but I am tired, having bad headache now..

Too many things to prepare, I have some conflicts with my parents.

They have printed another set of invitation card, but the card cant be used at all, cause the content is confusing. I don't understand why they never check the card, and the printing vendor also sucks! The invitation card (for wedding and buffet reception) are totally unacceptable! So, they ended up paying xx amount to get a stack of cards that are not usable. WASTE MONEY!

Initially I want to get the wine, hard liquors and soft drinks myself, but my father bought them without my knowledge. I feel upset cause I already told them I will prepare for it.

I know they have spent xx thousands on my wedding and I feel embarrass! Thats why I wanted to buy those loose items like liquors, wine, drinks, settle the ang bao myself.

Even ang bao my mother also prepared for it!

I know I should be grateful of having such a helpful parents, but this is our wedding not theirs.. I dun want them to spend so much!

Another 2 more days to my wedding, but I am not happy at all.. I feel stress, tired and depress! Cause there are too many unknow things, things are totally out of my control. Even what time he has to fetch me I also dunno! What the fuck is going on!

Another HICCUP

The MUA dropped me a SMS saying she will not be able to help my mother and sister do make up and hair styling on 12-Dec.

If I didn't send her a sms asking her what time she will be come over, I don't think she will inform me she has just accepted a new assignment.

Why is she so irresponsible?

Partly is my fault also, cause I didn't inform the timing on 12-Dec, but I already told her I want her to do make up for my mother and sister. I think it is a basic courtesy to inform your client 1st before you accept another assignment.

I am so disappointed with her service!

After returning our feedback to KG, they didn't get back to us, so out of curiosity I decided to drop them an email!  Out of my shock, they told me they already sent our photos for printing! How dare them! They cant do this! We haven't approve on the layout and paging.

So I requested them to send me the final version. When I looked at it, I want to vomit blood. This is fucking ugly! I can't believe the designer actually design something like this!  I just "cut"  & "paste" to show them the template, but he actually copy it and follow the design exactly! Damn pissed..

So Mr Koh dropped them a nasty email and threaten them refuse to pay for the album, so KG-Ipoh sent the youngest & sweetest girl to talk to me. Firstly she apologized to me, and asked for my opinion of the photo. She managed to get the designer to complete what I want within 2-3 hours, she is nice and I think they should let her handle customers instead of Elaine!

Hopefully I can collect the album by Sunday!

Another hiccup with KG is we already informed & emphasized to them twice we want to do the car decoration and collect the bouquet on Monday, but now Elaine told me they are closed on Monday, so I have to get it done by Sunday! She even asked me to do it myself on Monday. Seriously, they never spare a thought for their customer. How can they do this to their customer! They are actually playing with fire. If the customer is nice, may be the customer will follow what they have proposed. If the customer is nasty and demanding, they will definitely having a hard time!

I really utterly disappointed with their service! I will feedback this issue back to their HQ - KG KL, but I wonder will I receive any feedback from the HQ?

Seriously Malaysia's customer service is not up to that level yet.

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About Me ♥

A normal girl who loves to surround by laughter

Upcoming Events

  • Phuket Trip - 18 Jul 2011 to 23 Jul 2011
  • Adidas Sundown Marathon - 28 May 2011
  • 100 Plus Passion Run - 21 May 2011
  • 2XU Compression Run - 10 April 2011

Wedding Vendors

  • Accessories - Keep Gallery
  • Cars - Chans
  • Hotel (SG) - Quincy
  • Vest - TopMan
  • Shoe - Vincci
  • Make Up Artist (Ipoh) - Penny
  • Make Up Artist (SG) - Lynette Pang
  • Hand Bouquet - Jusco, eBay
  • Wedding Bubble Tubes - eBay
  • Photographer - KL (SG)
  • Photographer & Videographer - 倩影 (Ipoh)
  • Card Vendor - Morty (Ipoh)
  • Bridal Studio - Keep Gallery (Ipoh)
  • Bridal Studio - Ido Ido (Bali)
  • Dinner Reception - 乐园酒家 (Ipoh)
  • Dinner Reception - Viet Lang @ The Arts House
  • Wedding Bands - Love & Co
  • Planner - Dream Wedding