Our appointment date for VD/SD is scheduled on 7-Dec-2010, it crashes with our customary, so I have scheduled the appointment to 9-Dec-2010.

The CS told me to reach the Registry of Marriages by 2pm to avoid disappointment (high volume of application), To avoid disappointment and making of 2nd trip on Friday + being very "kiasu", so I persuaded Mr Koh to reach the ROM by 115pm.

Surprisingly, the place is not as crowded as I thought, and the place is very small, can't really hold many people.

There are 2 sections in ROM - office and solemnization.

We waited less than 5 minutes after getting the queue number. When it is my turn to read out the "vows", I can't even pronounce it properly.

Mr Koh told me there is no turning back now, unless I want to be a runaway bride on Sunday.

So stop thinking of bullshits, and enjoy the current moment.